Whole Hive Guiding Values

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We are better as a whole than as individuals.


We operate best in an environment of transparency and psychological safety. Showing up for each other and our clients as our authentic selves creates a culture of honesty and integrity that encourages each to flourish.


We value humanity. When people feel safe enough to be open and vulnerable, their best selves emerge.

Cognitive Flexibility

Most things within life are gray – we are willing to operate here.


Our employees are whole people, with varying interests and priorities. Employees who feel a balance in their professional and personal lives bring their best to work.

Emotional Nourishment

Our culture operates with gratitude, positivity, and optimism. We are uplifting and supportive of one another. Kindness, genuineness, direct and difficult conversation, and commitment to one another foster empowerment and growth.


We value all employees’ perceptions, feedback, and input.


We trust our employees to complete their roles through the lens of their professional and personal expertise.

For Our Employees

During our time together, we support our employees in becoming the best professional and personal versions of themselves. We believe there is room for everyone to be successful and thrive. When a colleague leaves the hive, we will send her/him out into the world with love and one hope:  that we are all better for the time we spent together.