ADHD Coaching by Coach Dr. Molly Londgren

As an adult diagnosed with combined-type ADHD while working on her doctorate, Molly Londgren is passionate about helping others who have received an ADHD diagnosis in adulthood to understand how their neurodiverse brains affect their lives and give them behavioral strategies to realize their goals.

Dr. Londgren discovered her love for coaching individuals with ADHD in her work as a study skills coach for medical students. On the surface, many “high-functioning” adults with ADHD are seen by the rest of the world as managing perfectly fine; however, they often experience constant overwhelm, task paralysis, perfectionism, and fear of failure. 

Far too often, newly-diagnosed individuals are prescribed medication but not given any concrete strategies for how to manage their symptoms in real life. Medication can be a wonderful tool to make the day-to-day management of ADHD easier; however, medication alone will not address the challenges of having a neurodiverse brain in a world designed for neurotypicals.

This is where ADHD coaching comes into play.ADHD coaching helps individuals to recognize behavioral patterns and beliefs that get in the way of achieving their goals. This could include time management, organizational strategies, improving self-esteem and self-efficacy, and improving focus and motivation. 

Molly has been passionate about improving motivation in adults since completing her Ph.D. in Educational Psychology and Educational Technology in 2017. Her educational and professional experiences working with students and university faculty since 2007 have helped her develop practical strategies that work. 

Dr. Londgren knows firsthand what works for people with ADHD. She believes in helping people develop routines and strategies that contribute to increased success and reduced cognitive overwhelm.